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Monday, October 10, 2011

Tokyo Rebel visit

It's been a long time.
I don't think I've spoken much about it on this blog, but I have fibromyalgia. It mostly manifests in my back causing me to hardly be able to do anything but sit on the couch. It effects my life to the point where I really don't have one. I can't work or even do hobbies or chores inside the house. This causes me to become very depressed often and when that occurs, I have a difficult time keeping up with things like this blog. I often find more comfort in reading the blogs of others than writing my own.
So if I disappear for a long time again, that's probably why.

Saturday was my first trip to Tokyo Rebel! Despite living in New York, I rarely go to NYC mostly due to my inability to walk long distances. Not only that but I can't go outdoors during Summer so that cuts out a large chunk of the year (and Lolita Day, unfortunately).
I finally was able to prepare myself for the long trek out to Tokyo Rebel!

Outside the shop.

My major issue with the store is it's location. It's not near anything else in the city that I want to visit, so it's very inconvenient to reach. Even once I've made the 2 hour trip to the city, it's still a long journey to reach this shop. It's also frustrating that they are not open on Sundays. Many of my friends only get off work on Sundays and I would have preferred to plan my trip on a day they could come too.
The shop looks just like the photos they post on their blog, so I did not take any. The shop is the size of a bed room, but can still comfortably fit around 10 people inside (Really. We tried it) Even though the stock was not huge (it actually seemed like around the same amount of items that h.Naoto bring to convention dealer rooms), there were enough brands to choose from so that any lolita should find something she likes. The prices are average for lolita, with Putumayo being the least expensive brand. Since Putu is my favorite brand, I actually found quite alot of things I wanted. I finally settled on an OP.

My new Putumayo OP.

I was given my choice of a free poster at the check out. The posters were blown up versions of recent GLB covers. I chose the cover of #39 because the girl in blue looks like Belarus from Hetalia :)
The shop staff was very friendly and gave the place a very comfortable atmosphere. The were also comfy chairs for those who need to rest after the long walk to the shop.
Overall, I'm glad I went and once you are there, it's a great place to buy your lolita. They even let you try on the clothes, which ofcourse you can't do online. However, I don't anticipate making another trip there. I just lack the stamina for it. If you are used to walking, though, you should visit if you are in NYC.

I will also use this post to show off my new Baby Oz JSK! I got it off Mbok for much less than it was new. I've loved this dress since it was new in 2007 when I first got into lolita! I'm so excited to own a dress I've imagined for so long.

I have some more posts planned and I'm back in gear! I hope you'll stick around. Thank you so much to my followers! <3 I love you all! I've installed Discuss for the comments so I will be able to reply to you more easily!

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